Saturday, September 24, 2011

Oh the shame of it all!!

It's Saturday night, and I'm trying to sort through my mess.  The bargain from my last post was sitting on the kitchen bench for a while, so I could figure out what I might want to do with it.. (and where I could put it), well today it was handed to me bluntly - the boys are embarrassed to have a mother who plays  with doll houses !!! They'll NEVER get it!! So.. I put that one in my bedroom too.  The bedroom is a MESS, I can't MOVE in that side of the room :((

So.. I have started tidying up and sorting - oh wow I have accumulated SO much stuff!!  What you can't see here is a built in wardrobe, and my stationary cupboard.. oh and my book case.. but you MIGHT just notice.. another little fetish of mine LOL - some remote control helicopters, and in my wardrobe I have some nitro remote cars (or whatever it's called) LOL - pathetic.. will I ever grow up??
Here's my mess.. half sorted :/

My bedroom is 2 rooms with a wall removed.. so don't worry - there IS a bed.. on the other side.. I have divided it into 2 rooms again :)

Below is my homestead, still unfinished, and stacked with junk, oh.. there to the right is my bookcase.. to the left of the house is something so so handy.. (and not yet in full use) a mars bar stand which was left out the front of a shop LOL.. to the far left is one of my ebay purchases 1/3 finished.. and the rest is MESS - pure mess.. to sort (ouch)

My bargain buy is sitting on my filing cabinet.. just behind it are my helicopters LOL they're sitting on the book shelf. Then of course you can see my *in need of TLC* Pierce.  

I'll get this sorted.. really I will.....................


  1. I'm not laughing at you, I'm laughing with you because I've been in the same messy predicaments before (and will again no doubt). I seem to just move things from A to B and then back to A again!! I'm lucky to have a separate hobby room but most of the time I can hardly turn around in it. Too much "stuff" but can't throw it out because it will come in handy one day. Hugs, Sandie.

  2. That looks just like my play room , It doesnt matter how hard I try I never put things back where I got them or I buy more things and dont put them where they belong straight away.So I end up with piles all over the place that need to be sorted.


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