Sunday, May 29, 2011

Working around the doiley

Mum made a gorgeous little doiley for me, since I was making dad's table and mum's lamp.. this completes the picture.  The lamp isn't finished yet, need to make a proper base, this was just to look at the thing and see what really needs to be done (I have no photo to work from so it's coming from my imagination lol).
A couple of pics..

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Quite a project!!

I picked up the house I bought on ebay for $50.  It's one of those clip together type homes.. still I like it, it has character.  A HUGE project though really, it'll be going away till I finish one of the others first, I can look at it and plan in the meantime.  I need another room to put all this stuff! Anyway here are some detailed pics.  As you can see there are bits broken and so on.. will be fun making this into something special!

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Progress report - fun day!

Nothing is finished yet.  I decided to make a coffee table similar to one dad made at school - it only had 3 legs! I loved it! On that table many years ago was a lamp of mums, she adored it.. unfortunately one of us kids smashed the cover - so out it went.  I couldn't find one on the net to imitate so it's being done from memory - you'll have to wait for the finished product to see what it's all about LOL

The lounge room (living room?) has been wallpapered, but - the room isn't complete yet.. just posting some pics because I've been slack lately!

the table is made of balsa since it's my first attempt at raw building..

A straw, and plastic container thank you Kez.. it's PERFECT!

Table constructed.. ok a few rough edges.. but hey first attempt remember ;-)

Lounge room - before

 Wallpaper up... not finished!!!

LOL Kez.. you showed me that 'how to make books' link.. 
I cut one out.. and it already has a binding I like!! hahaha!!

Staining - drying on.. what else but the kitchen scales? 
Such a useful appliance ;-)

The most useful tool I have!! Close to the dremel? 
(is that what it's called?) so many attachments! Love it!!

I'll be finishing off the coffee table and lamp tables tonight - the coffee table needs to be glossed, not sure if I HAVE any.. doh!!! I have varnish but it's not really glossy.. perhaps many coats I don't know.  The lamp is nearing completion - not happy with the base but I can make another one easily if it's unsuccessful.. and Mum has just emailed me with further details.. oh this IS fun!!

Thursday, May 12, 2011

A gift from afar, purchases and plans...

Firstly, my gift from afar! My beloved Sister-in-law is a passionate mini producer aswell! I asked her if she'd mind purchasing some goodies for me that I couldn't get enough of here where I live.  Not only did she deliver, but she sent me some surprises!!  Most hand made, the intricate work is amazing! Her blog is here:

Kez has so much more patience than me and is doing some amazing work!!
Thank you for the gifts, and for the extra shopping you did for me xxxx

 A lesson in READING instructions first! Was making these little kit lamp tables by the house of miniatures.. (link is broken?).. didn't read.. so yes, should have done the feet first!! They'll work.. I promise!

 An ebay purchase which will go perfectly with my new kitchen!!

 My pile of books.. well some of them.. guess I should get to work and create something good!!

 Bedroom carpet and border....

 Railing kit from afar.. for the top of my stairs :)))

 Oooh bad photo - but a corner table still in the works.. so far only put together and stained..

 Some tiny tiny containers for handles and other tiny bits!

 for carpet or walls.. not sure yet.. i liked this!

the reason my sons call me THE MINI HOARDER!! OMG............

 oh.. upstairs hoarding.. in the big black box is my 1:12 scale motorbike in construction LOL
the star box is a busy box.. full of little bits and pieces!

For whatever.. picnic rugs, tablecloths.. not sure  yet ;-)

Above: The love of my life LOL - ok.. maybe not.. but part of the reason I haven't really been attentive.. new car!!
And below - Kez and I have a beautiful new nephew!!! Awww he's just gorgeous!

So.. I have booked lunch on Saturday, and lunch on Sunday - and now with all this stuff, I don't want to go to either!! UGH!! I'll make them brief and get back home to achieve something! Thanks to Kez I can now continue on my quest to finish the girls bedroom, and I have borrowed a paper cutter from work to prepare the wallpaper for my lounge room (living room?) - ooh I'm loving how that's going to look!

 Hopefully I can upload some real progress in the next couple of days!

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Weekend Shopping :))

Had a weekend of no crafting - not entirely happy! BUT!! I did head out and do some shopping preparing for the finalising of a few rooms! Managed to find some wonderful carpets, wallpapers and trims at and went to a market and grabbed some 1mm crochet hooks (figured why not get 2 in case one breaks!) to try and make a couple of doilies!  Also got beads and other bits & pieces that look like nothing at the moment but I have plans for! A box.. $5 - of cake tier things (what ARE they called?), some clear, some not.. some more intricate than others, plus lots of dowel in various sizes!! woohoo!!! I have some plans there too :)

Had a chuckle at a site the other day that had a thing about 'being a miniature addict'.. not sure where it was, but I reflected that today at the market!! Didn't look at anything for what it was.. but for what it COULD be!! Ahh gotta love the life in the mini world!!
Stay tuned.. I work and don't do much during the week, but I think next weekend will be a busy one craft-wise :)